Penrith Chamber

Penrith Valley Chamber of Commerce logo.

Top 10 creative (and mostly free) ways to plug-in and maximise your benefits

1. Write a blog and submit it for publishing on our brand spanking new website

Share your knowledge and expertise with the rest of us. We’ve all got something we’re “experty” in (or you wouldn’t be in business). Don’t keep it to yourself­­—shine a little light on what you know and let the rest of us benefit from what you’ve learned.

2. Showcase your brand by sponsoring a prize at an upcoming event

Who doesn’t love a freebie! There’s no more direct way to get your product or service into the hands of a new potential customer than giving something away. If the recipient loves it, imagine how many people they are going to tell? Plus, we’ll be spruiking your awesomeness and generosity at our event on the night.

3. Create a member-to-member deal to share with the network

We all understand the benefits to shopping local—stimulates local prosperity, reduces enviro footprint, better customer service etc. So why not support the network that supports us all by offering your Chamber comrades a juicy discount or bonus for choosing you. Just login to your Chamber account, spruce up your profile and make us an offer we can’t refuse.

4. Show up to networking events

It may sound obvious but people do business with people they know, like and trust. And if you’ve joined the Chamber and still haven’t shown your face at one of our many events, how are people going to get to know you? Do you consider yourself a tad timid in a room full of strangers? Never fear, they won’t be strangers by the time you leave. We go to great lengths to ensure that all of our events are super-welcoming and engaging, even for the most reserved networkers.

5. Offer to be a Connector at an event

Polish up your people pollinating skills and offer to don the yellow “Connector” vest at one of our Chamber Connect events. What better way to get to know who’s in the room and develop genuine relationships than facilitating member-to-member introductions, connections and opportunities.

6. Join a Chamber committee

Our all-volunteer board are a committed group of talented and dedicated local business owners, but they can’t do it all. We dig on diversity and could often use the support and knowledge of others in the business community. Could you offer something of genuine value to one of our 4 active committees? Advocacy, Tourism & Hospitality, Marketing & Membership and Events.

7. Check in with your Chamber “Buddy” to ask for connections or help

When each new member joins, they are allocated a Chamber “Buddy” from our Executive team. Use your Buddy as an opportunity to discover what has been happening in the Chamber and what current opportunities exist for you to plug in. Maybe they can help connect you with someone who can assist with a particular challenge you’re having. You don’t know, if you don’t ask.

8. Join the Chamber’s Private FB Group

This is where you have the ability to free-form connect and engage with each other. Share knowledge, ask questions and promote valuable offerings. Obviously the more people present, the better and stronger the group is for everyone.

9. Host a Lunch & Learn*

This opportunity takes knowledge sharing to a new level. We are constantly looking for ways to help members upskill and stay informed about the evolving challenges of running their business in our ever-changing landscape. So, if you’ve got a 30-60 minute super-engaging webinar presentation you think will genuinely help everyone else, put your hand up for consideration.

10. Join a Chamber Collective group*

Join a small group of like-minds to fast-track your business success. It’s here that you’ll have the opportunity to develop genuine relationships and exchange challenges, knowledge and advice. It’s like meeting fortnightly with your very own board of advisors. And the best part is, you’re the industry expert. There’s only one person, per industry, per group.

*Open to Gold and Platinum Members

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